you cann't help but to notice all the rumours flying, lies abound when the Moneymongers want to make monies from the crash.
First, Fannie Mae Freddie Mac, nothing has significantly changed for the companies for the past few weeks till yesterday.
William Poole, ex-FED governor make commments that the 2 GSE needs to be nationalised. And then talks of Lehman Brother crisis, and PIMCO, SAC Capital has to come out to disperse those rumours. (one wonders who has the monies to persuade a ex-governor to scare the market, much like what Greenspan has been doing).
It is dispicable for ex-FED governors not doing their job when they are in their job, and after they leave their job, trying to fuel the crisis.
And then some news report from Jerusalem that Israel planes are practicing in Iraq for a Iran attack, spike Oil to 147. After which Pentagon came out to deny.
Sometimes, you can laugh at how disparate those Hedge Funds are in cooking up tales.
Just like some claim Jesus is a lady Or Jesus is married.
As for the Iran missle tests, the Irannians have doctored the photos to make the launch seems impressive, when actualy one or two of the missles fail to launch. Again another bag of bullshits of scare tactics.
Now there are talks that Meryll Lynch may disappoint market. B'cos talking heads on National TV say that John Thain has been quiet relative to others.
As Dimon of JP Moargan has rightly said, those who spread rumours on the Bear Stern crisis ought to be identified.
As the market says if your skills are no good, you have to have luck. And these people on Wall Street decide on the Evil path.
Bush should enact the Patriot Act to identify the people creating the crisis. And the acts of these people has affected the life of Americans, devastating the livelihood of Americans, the savings of Americans. These Dark Force may just be foreign interests, with lost of Oil monies, in cahoots with the ancestral families of America.
Somehow you just wonder where have all the Oil monies being going into ? Short the market and buy into the plunge ?
Precisely we need change in Washington, with Obama coming in, he should enact more stringent laws on the Financial World, making it a dignified market. Purge the capital markets of the rogue Dark Force.
The President of the United States is the God annointed one to fight the battle with the Dark Force. The Dark Force is so powerful that the Bernanke and Hank hide in its fold. (by the way, the FED is a private organisations with powerful families are shareholders).
From a currency perspective, the Dark Force is on the verge of crashing Euro through 1.6000, triggering the proverbial "Crash of the Dollar".
Now we ponder what are other lies that would emerge next week.
If you agree that the Dollar would crash through 1.6000 next week, pls click on the Google Ads.
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