FOMC spark a Gold gapdown with not much follow through so far.
Puru Saxena went on national TV says he has sold all his Gold 2 days ago. Nicole Elliot is going on holiday for the next 2 weeks.
So, seems like we need another Bear Sterns. By elimination, JP Morgan, Goldman, Lehman are out. Who's next for prey for the Vultures ? Well Fargos, Wachovia, Citi, Morgan Stanley ?
Probably the siege on Bear Sterns are planned and executed like clockwork.
The selldown in Euro, Gold are forecasted, it is a matter of how deep.
If you have nothing to do on the coming Easter, do subscribe to my letter:
Anyway, I have ordered a few trucks, am going to swipw my paper monies for Gold. I would truck it from Fort Knox (where the Gold are guarded) to my house in Sausilito.
Just waiting for the right price.
Gold, Silver, GBP in steep drops. soon EUR would join.
Look like the Big Boys are calling it a day on Commodities, Oil, precious metals, Euro after almost 3 months of hard work.
The down may persist till next month April.
If this Treasury orchestrated USD strength works, then credits to the Master Trader Paulson. It takes another Master Trader to beat that,
any volunteers out there ?
Gold, Silver unwinding is going to be ugly. If 1030 is the top, then a 300$ drop is possible. (last time it dropped like a stone form 730 top in May 2006 to 440)
Having said that, it is like BoE selling Gold at 250.
Yipeee !!!!
Thanx, BEN.
10 trucks have just arrived.
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